
Meet the modular approach to IT modernization

Meet the modular approach to IT modernization

The modular approach to IT modernization presents a cost-effective method for government agencies when implementing new technologies. Government leaders face many challenges when attempting to modernize digital services, like restrictive budgets and competing priorities. The modular approach infers that digital transformation can occur incrementally, building over an extended period. This strategy aids the workforce while adjusting to new technologies while supporting internal workflows.

Embracing IT modernization

IT modernization presents several advantages for government agencies, including cost savings, increased productivity, worker efficiency, and higher customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it ensures that agencies can optimize the delivery of public goods and services while benefitting from a streamlined, cohesive workflow.

Understanding the modular approach

The modular approach accompanies a host of benefits for public agencies of all sizes. It mitigates the complexity, mismanagement, and disjointed workflow that often results from the implementation of new, unfamiliar internal systems. Moreover, agencies can start their digital transformation journey with relatively few resources and without exceeding their budgets.

When implemented effectively, the early success of new technologies will build internal buy-ins, across all lines of business. Future modernization will then also have a stronger foundation, with fewer barriers to implementation.

Embarking on the modernization journey

Government agencies should begin their modernization journey by identifying the systems that are most vital to the public, and simultaneously discern which processes are no longer adding value. Agencies should then consider the tangible return-on-investment offered through modernization.

A trend turned policy

Modularity is no longer an abstract concept, and many governments are enacting it as an official policy. Public leaders recognize the value of an incremental approach while working with executive officials to ensure a smooth transition on the path to enhanced service delivery.

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