
AI in Financial Services: customer engagement reimagined

AI in Financial Services: customer engagement reimagined

Although banks have extensive data at their fingertips, they often fail to unearth the behavioral insights that can lead to the creation of customized products and tailored services. By leveraging AI and analytics, banks can deliver personalized solutions at scale while building strong, lasting connections with their customers.

Banks have one strong advantage from a consumer-service perspective: a large-scale database about their customers. They have a trove of data that can be accessed through bank statements, product preferences, spending habits, and transactional histories. Despite having access to relevant consumer insights, traditional banks often fail to extract them, due to scattered data, legacy technology and dense reporting. This makes it difficult to form a comprehensive customer view that can shape strategic direction and inform future change.

Solutions from Tech Unicorn address these challenges directly, making it simpler to bring data into a single platform, apply the latest technology, and connect with the audience in a way that forms a lasting, tangible connection.

Integrating analytics into operating models can boost profits by 30%, paving the way for personalized offerings and customized experiences - across every client segment.

Benefits of AI banking software

Tech Unicorn uncovers the patterns within your data to deliver qualified leads and emerging trends. Through machine-learning algorithms, banks can identify evolving tendencies and respond with foresight.

Include a modular approach:

Speed and customization are intertwined. Prebuilt components, like APIs, allow banks to launch an AI solution rapidly. Modular building blocks enable banks to prioritize business lines and functions, while adding new capabilities wherever needed. All components are fully configurable and can be tailored to meet all the specific needs of the enterprise.

Smart engagement models:

Tech Unicorn designs solutions that work synergistically with your IT environment. For maximum flexibility, we offer two engagement models.

  1. For organizations that prefer an internal capability and can maintain AI banking software, we provide an in-house build that is supported by Tech Unicorn.
  2. For banks that do not have the resources to bring AI banking in-house, our subscription-based analytics implements modern applications to your existing cloud platform.
Embrace intuitive insights:

Solutions at Tech Unicorn are customer-orientated, but also banking-centric. They feature dashboards and in alignment with the business workflows and funnel that presents insights in a simple, easy-to-follow manner. Bankers can get both visibility and transparency, as all insights are accompanied by the data observations that support them.

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