
Streamline your work for maximum productivity

WeTrack helps boost your team’s alignment, efficiency, and productivity by customising any workflow to fit your needs. This application brings teams together to drive business impact. Collaborate effectively organisation-wide to get a clear picture of all your work. Stay in the loop with easy-to-use automations and real-time notifications.

Streamline your work for maximum productivity

This app helps you centralise all your work, processes, tools, and files into one pane of glass. Connect teams, bridge silos, and maintain one source of truth across your organisation.

  • Dashboards: Better decision-making with real-time insights
  • Automations: Power automate your workflows to save time and leave inefficiencies behind
  • Kanban: Set priorities and move tasks up and down the queue based on capacity and availability
  • File manager: Manage files and documents seamlessly across your work stream and organisation
  • Integrations: All-in-one view for unified and seamless one-click access to business data
  • MS Teams & Outlook integrations: Notify and alert via Teams and/or Outlook for instant messaging and communication
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